Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Bilateral industrial partnerships

Partnership with Thales

Dates: 2011-2014

This partnership with Thales Research and Technology explores variability management both in modeling and metamodeling (i.e., design and implementation of software languages). At the model level, this collaboration is a direct follow-up of the MOVIDA and the MUTATION projects, in which we explore the challenges related to software product line and multi-view engineering for the different development phases of systems of systems construction. At the metamodeling level, we investigate how the notions of variability modeling and management can serve the rigorous definition of families of modeling languages, which address the different interpretations of UML needed to model the different viewpoints in the systems engineering.

The project enrolls 4 faculty members and 2 PhD students from the Triskell team. This year, we keep working on the CVL usage in the Thales context.

CIFRE grants
  • All4Tec (2011-2014). In this project with the All4Tec company we investigate the support of variability modelling for model-based test generation with Matelo (a tool developed by All4Tec). In this context, Benoit Baudry acts as Ph.D advisor for Hamza Samih.

  • Zenexity (2011-2014). In this project with the Zenexity company we investigate the new architecture model for efficient web development on top of the play framework (a web framework developed by Zenexity). In this context, Jean-Marc Jézéquel and Olivier Barais act as Ph.D advisor for Julien Richard Foy.

  • Orange (2014-2017). In this project with the Orange company we investigate the support of trust in web communication using software reconfiguration techniques. In this context, Olivier Barais acts as Ph.D advisor for Kevin Corre with Gerson Sunye.